Our democracy is in turmoil.
Billionaires and corporate interests are flooding our elections with money, and state legislatures are trying to enact laws that suppress the voices of voters.
But members of Congress are pushing back.
Last year, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives made history with the passage of H.R.1, the For The People Act, the most sweeping package of democracy reforms to pass in Congress in decades, perhaps ever.
What: H.R.1 anniversary webinar for activists
When: 7 p.m. ET March 8
Where: Zoom conference (register here)
From reducing big money in politics to stopping voter suppression and political gerrymandering, H.R.1 would address the most pressing problems facing our democracy.
If we want to make progress on climate change, health care, inequality and so much more, we need to put the power back in the hands of the American people by fixing our broken democracy. That starts with the passage of H.R.1.
To win these critical reforms, we must launch/undertake a massive and sustained grassroots effort.
RSVP for this crucial webinar on H.R. 1, and encourage your friends to do the same!