For the People Week of Action
Take Action:
We have a once in a generation opportunity to fix what’s broken in our democracy – and we must seize it!
The For the People Act (HR1/S1), the boldest and most sweeping democracy reform bill in decades, just passed the House of Representatives. This bill protects the sacred right to vote, gets big money out of politics, stops partisan and racial gerrymandering, and creates a more accountable government.
Now, we must pass it in the Senate and send it to President Biden to sign into law.
But we need your help.
Join the Declaration for American Democracy April 5th-9th for the For the People Week of Action, where we will host a week of training and organizing to mobilize thousands of people across this country to make their voices heard on HR1/S1.
Over the course of the week, activists will hold Demand Democracy local actions across the country, conduct virtual advocacy visits with their Senators, and have the opportunity to attend Democracy Teach-Ins to learn more about issues like gerrymandering, voting rights and voter suppression, how to get big money out of politics, and how democracy reform can advance equality and social justice.
Demand Democracy Local Actions
Other Actions:
Activists across the country are making their voices heard in a big way! We have created an exciting toolkit to guide you in putting on a dynamic local action.
Sign up below to host a socially-distant event in your community to show your Senator that your community supports the For the People Act.
Note: we are partnering with Recovery Recess on this map – and it includes events for lots of different issue areas. Be sure to find an event near you with “Democracy” in the title to take critical action towards strengthening our democracy!
For the People Democracy Trainings
Other Actions:
DFAD is hosting a series of Democracy Teach-Ins where you can learn more about the transformational solutions to the problems facing our democracy in the For the People Act.
Teach-ins during For the People Week of Action are focused along different themes addressed in HR1/S1:
Monday 4.5 | Protecting the Right To Vote
The For the People Act will finally make real the promise of democracy and is the culmination of a struggle for equitable voting rights that can be traced back to this country’s inception. By implementing common sense voting standards like automatic, same day registration, and protecting voter rolls from arbitrary purges, S1 will increase voter turnout and participation.
Tuesday 4.6 | Ending Partisan and Racial Gerrymandering
The polarization of our politics is driven by gerrymandering, which allows politicians to pick their voters by drawing their own districts. The For the People Act changes that. Instead of representatives drawing their own districts, S1 requires states to use independent, bipartisan redistricting commissions and outlaws partisan gerrymandering.
Wednesday 4.7 | Getting Big Money Out of Politics
The damage done by the disastrous Citizens United decision will not be quickly undone, but S1 lays the groundwork for our political recovery. S1’s Disclose Act requires dark money Super PACs to disclose their donors, limiting the influence of anonymous money in our federal politics.
Thursday 4.8 | Ensuring Every Vote Counts
The 2020 election was the most secure in history, and the For the People Act guarantees that security for the future by requiring paper ballots, and providing financial support for our election infrastructure.
Friday 4.9 | Combating Corruption with the For the People Act
The For the People Act sets rigorous ethical standards for every branch of government. Judicial reforms will create a code of ethics for the Supreme Court, the traditional expectation of Presidential tax disclosure will be formalized as rules, and Members of Congress will no longer be able to sit on boards of the same companies they regulate.
Racial Justice and the For the People Act
Democracy and racial justice go hand in hand – we cannot have one without the other. Yet American democracy has always been steeped in racism and defined by exclusion.
Come learn about how the For the People Act (HR1/S1) is a transformative racial justice package and why, once passed, it will move us closer to an inclusive, multiracial democracy.
Meeting Your Senator (Virtually)
Other Actions:
One of the most impactful actions all of us can take to help pass the For the People Act is to schedule a meeting, either 1-1 or with a small group, with our Senators to share why we support the For the People Act and want to see it passed as a top priority.
Sign up below to commit to scheduling a virtual meeting with your Senator, and we’ll follow up with a toolkit full of resources, including talking points and tips for a successful meeting. An organizer will also be in touch with you to answer any questions you may have on setting up your visit.